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Beautiful Ireland Needs Love

Ireland is a beautiful part of God's creation here on Earth. The people of Ireland are just as beautiful. However they need the love of Christ shown to them. The Irish are a hurt, broken, and lost people. The over 40 crowd have been hurt by the Catholic Church and the young people have been hurt by being told they are not enough or they are too much. This hurt has resulted in people turning away from God and a generation rising up who have never even heard the Good News. Only 1.9% of Ireland claim to be Christian. That is a staggering number coming from a founded on The Truth. With so much hurt and brokenness there are so many opportunities for the Gospel to be shared. 

During one of our Adventures Encounter trips this summer we hosted a teen drop-in center and here is an excerpt of what happened one night, "Tonight after a bunch of rowdy games, David shared his testimony. He is from Northern Ireland and lived a life very similar to the kids on the street. The kids were hanging on his every word while he was telling about how Jesus rescued him from drug addiction, alcoholism, and despair. The Lord is visibly working on their hearts. They want to know more about who Jesus is and what is so different about a life with Him. Please be praying that the seed falls on fertile soil!" How exciting is that?! The Holy Spirit is moving in Ireland, wouldn't you love to be a part of what He is doing? 


Adventures in Missions is offering a couple ways to go and minister to the people of Ireland. You can go on an Adventures Encounter trip as an individual if you are 18 and over. Also we are offering a four week Ambassador trip for individuals ages 14 to 18. 

Is the Lord calling you to Ireland?
Are you willing to accept His call?
The people of Ireland need to be shown
the LOVE of Jesus that is within YOU!

One comment

  1. I’ve never been to Ireland, but my family history does date back there and I have just simply fallen in love with this country. I’m really starting to prayerfully consider going this Summer.

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