some amazing American
(and one Canadian)
They were ready and excited to preach the Gospel to a population who has been ignoring it for a very long time. Little to most people know or realize, but Ireland is considered UNREACHED. The people here are screaming out for a Savior, in a dark, dark place right now. Thankfully These wonderful women said YES to the Lord and obediently traveled across the pond to reach the lost and reach the world. These ladies are now home in their respective areas, but hopefully Ireland will never forget them! Because I know that they will never forget Ireland.
This is Ally. She has a wonderful heard to youth. She was not afraid to run up to strangers and tell them about the Good News. Her constant smile was contagious not only to our team, but to everyone she talked to! The youth she was able to chat with definitely have more to think about and process through after hearing about God's grace and the gift of Christ from Ally's honest and compassionate heart.

Can't you just see the kind, loving gentleness that is Brenda from this lovely picture?! This woman was so pumped to be in Ireland to specifically reach out to the youth. As a teacher, she has a heart for that age, but being able to specifically minister and just hang out with them on a different level rocked her world. From playing youth games, to a simple walk through the mall with these youth, her head and heart were always FOR them and their salvation. Her funny jokes also kept the teens entertained, although maybe the team enjoyed them more than the youth!

What a fortress of strength, power and intercession Kayla was not only for our women, but for the people of Ireland! The burden for God's beloved lost children in Ireland, was so obviously upon her. Her constant intercession and pure heart for the locals was inspiring for all to see. What a blessing it was for anyone to spend time with this amazing woman after God's own heart!
Don't be fooled by her fierce Goliath stance – Melissa is once of the sweetest women the Irish will ever meet. Her passion to open up their eyes to a better life and spirital walk was very convicting to everyone. She was always the first one to run up to a group of teens, and then always the last one to leave. Most times, we had to drag her out of there! Her cool, calm, collected nature drew people into a relationship with the Lord. To Him be all the Glory!
The sweet, sweet wisdom and power that Tracy posesses, just overwhelms me. Another wonderful teacher on the team, she so loved her times in teaching and sharing with youth about life skills and her beloved Jesus. Her transparancy and vulnerability in her spiritual walk was such an encouragement to the fellow ladies on the team, but also to the local church. Being a strong woman of faith isn't a magical process, but this woman makes it look simple. Her missions story is not over yet!

Priscilla is such a graceful woman. She has a sense of peace around her that everyone feels when they get the privildge of speaking with her. Her words hold weight in the eyes of many youth because of her intimacy with Jesus Christ. A natural leader in every aspect of ministry, however her humility and meek spirit made her that much more of an asset to the people of Ireland. God is definitely creating a heart for the nations inside this woman, and through her obedience and courage – the Lord will take her far!

Dear Kristen was called to co lead this trip way before she even knew about it. The Lord had some big plans for her! Her eyes were opened to overseas missions and her heart began to break for the lost European souls. Her bold service to not only to lead this team, under the close guidance of our King, but to serve the Irish people spole volumes about her love for God. All for love our Father gave His life for us, and constantly Kristen is giving up her own agenda, desires, personal needs aside to be used as a vessel for Christ in all aspects of her life.
Not only was she a great asset and co leader in this FIRST Ireland trip, but she is still out on the field leading another 2 week Encounter team in New Ross, Ireland!
Then there is me, Ashley. The leader of the July 2nd 3 week long Encounter trip with 10 amazing ladies and a fantastic co leader. I was blessed beyond measure to have the priviledge of leading this team of women, and bringing Kingdom here on Earth in Ireland.
Our time in Rosscommons, Shannon and Carlow, Ireland could not have been more Christ centered, annointed and Holy Spirit filled!
Lives were changed and hearts were broken and mended for His glory.
Adventures is not done in Ireland.
People are open and ready to hear the Gospel for the FIRST TIME.
Will you say, "yes" next time?
Trust me, you DON'T wanna miss out!