Montenegro is a very beautiful country. Our time in Montenegro was short, but very fruitful.
At first glance, you wouldn’t associate Montenegro with a city that needs help, but the people of this great country are thirsty for the truth. There are only 150 Christians in the entire country, the ministry here is very important. With so few believers, it seemed like our ministry made a big impact, no matter how small a gesture we thought it was- simply because of the fact this country is seeking Jesus.
Our time here was short, but we planted a lot of seeds that can be harvested in the future.
We handed out over 300 Bibles in 2 different towns. The most inspirational quote I heard while we were there, said by our contact, “God’s Word will never return void” – this means that though there was a language barrier sometimes, the Lord will use those Bibles we handed out and get them into the right hands.
We also had the opportunity to encourage current missionaries serving in Montenegro and worked on creating relationships with locals, encouraging them to come church and be a part of Shiloh Ministries.
It was a beautiful time in a beautiful location with an excellent group of people serving!