Today was our free day and we went to the Bunratty Castle in Sixmilebridge, Ireland. It was really cool to be able to go to a castle because when I think of Ireland that is definitely one of the first things that comes to my mind, in addition to very green grass and sheep, that is. It gave me a really good taste of Ireland and it was great to be able to just get to explore. Climbing to the top of the castle was a work out but it was so worth it when I got up there and was able to look out and see the scenery for miles and miles around. It was so beautiful and one of the best views I have ever seen in my whole life!

After we were done at the castle, we ate a quick bite and then went across the street to go shopping and get some souveniers! It was great because I finally got the souveniers that i was worried about getting, and I think I picked out some good ones if I do say so myself. When we were done with shopping we went to the home of one of the guys from the church and had a Brazilian BBQ. The fellowship with everyone that we had there was a lot of fun and it was a great way to end my last full day in this part of Ireland. It's going to be really hard to leave all the people that I've formed relationships with here, but I know that God has so much more in store for the rest of my trip here in Ireland and I cannot wait to see what all He has planned!