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So the 1st experince with the Irish people was a scavanger hunt in the town of Roscommon. There was a list places our team had to find like the police station, Bank of Ireland, & the Catholic Church. Some of the more intresting things we had to do is find people who know 5 books of the Bible, 6 of the Ten Commandments, & recite John 3:16. What made it so intresting is Ireland is a country with a long history of being a "Christian"  nation, they have extremly little idea of who God really is.

After serching for an hour in Roscommon Town, there was not one person that we could find that could quote John 3:16 , a verse most of us could say a drop of a hat like it's nothing. Every time we asked people if they could quote the veres for us they always responded in three ways that were surprising. Younger people said they could not as easily as saying the could recite the a poem, it was no big deal. Where as all the other reaction were guilt, shame, & fear or the simply did not know John 3:16 was. As the question was being asked you could see them just tense up and want to get way. The reaction the I saw in the people when we mentioned God or the or the Bible shooked me. This should not be the reaction to the God who loved me so much that He sent His Son to die for me.