Some people wonder about the impact of short term missions. They wonder if that time period can actually make an impact for the kingdom. I don't have all the answers, and I won't pretend to. I will however now introduce you to our amazing ministry partners in Ireland. That may begin to answer some of these questions for you.
Frank and Rebekah Burder have always had a heart for missions and the nations, but God reveled Ireland to them after a short term trip there in the summer of 2011. It was on a 4 week long Amabassador trip of leading a group of high schoolers to the green rolling hills of the rainy land of Ireland, that their heart grew for ministry and the people there.
"To say this trip was life-changing would be an understatement. We took an amazing team and partnered with another amazing team, to help start a youth drop-in center in Dungarvan Ireland. The centers create a safe place for the youth in the city to come and hang out in a place that is safe and positive. While there, our team built relationships with the Irish youth while they served coffee and tea, played card games, listened to music and hung out. It truly was an incredible experience!"
[ you can read more about their story, Ireland and more by visiting their website here ]
It was because of their heart for the nations, because of their reckless pursuit of the will of God, because of listening to the Holy Spirit, because of Jesus showing up on a short term high school trip, that the Burders decided to move to Ireland for 5+ years. They are partnering with Adventures in Missions and Cornerstone church of New Jersey, along with other ministries back in the states and over in Ireland to further this dream: establishing new drop-in centers for youth in every county of Ireland.
Its a big dream, but Frank and Rebekah are committed and working so hard to make this dream a reality. A short term trip changed their path, it changed their life. And I can almost guarantee that their passion and obedience in Ireland impacted the youth on their trip, the youth they were able to connect with in Ireland, and encourage the other long term missionaries there.

It doesn't matter how big or how small, following God and listening to Him will ALWAYS make a difference. I don't know what you life holds, but I do know that going on a short term couldn't hurt your life. And hey, maybe it would change it so much that you would discover your OWN heart for the nations, and move to Ireland or Honduras yourself! You never know…
We still have availability in our summer schedule for you to jump on board! CLICK HERE to sign up for an Encounter trip, or if you are a 14-18yr old then CLICK HERE to sign up for an Ambassador trip today!!